I had a “light bulb” moment the other day…while I was sitting there getting frustrated at Apple…they were making me feel as if MY iPhone5 was inferior with all the BUZZ about the NEW iPhones.


THEN, I realized something as I sat there marveling at the color & cover options for the iPhone5c…

WHOA! It’s like a HOOP! I’m jus’sayin…think about it…I mean, both ARE plastic and colorful….and don’t even get me started on the covers with the little CIRCLES cut out!!!! O.M.Goodness!

HOWEVER, I then had this wave of GRATEFULNESS melt over me…contrary to the iPhone5c, if you WANT a hoop, there is no WAIT, no LINE…the hoop is always available and there for you…you can even UPGRADE whenever you want…no “powers that be” say when it’s time to do so…no media buzz makes you feel you HAVE to get another model…the hoop is just…simple…there are many options, even fancy ones out there…and if you want to get one, you…just…do…no hype…in fact, our community encourages SHARING…try doing that with an iPhone5c…

Yes, I may hoop for the color & joy of it all…but it goes SO much deeper…and this video sums it up…filmed last night at the Wicked Wine Run in Burleson, Texas…thanks to the wonderful ladies who joined in the fun and I enjoyed meeting everyone!



iHoop4c (indeed!)

iHoop4fx2 (Friends x Fun…YES!! SUCH a BONUS!)

Now, I realize that without my current iPhone5, I could never have created the video or picture included in this blog, so suffice to say, I think I’ll keep it and I don’t feel it’s inferior AT ALL!!!
