The sudden passing of Kidd Kraddick has hit me hard. I know I am not alone.

The outpouring of emotion for this man really is a testament to how he lived his life. He truly approached each day from a place of service to others. I just keep thinking about it and want to honor this man. Writing this will help me find some peace.

You see, my husband and I have a wonderful memory because of Kidd. He helped lighten our load at time we REALLY needed it.  I think it set us up to be better parents in the long run, I really do. It’s been weighing heavy on my mind the last 24 hours.

Now, for you to understand REALLY why, you need to know a little more about my past life as a mom. Many of you do know, but for those who don’t, there happens to be a new essay I wrote on  and I hope you will go read first. I just submitted that story last week, coincidentally, and in writing it, I was already “back” mentally to those early years, if you know what I mean. It was a pretty emotionally challenging time. Hearing about Kidd this week put me back there even more so, very deeply, since we have a backstory with his generosity. We still remember it very often, even as often as last weekend, while driving in the car. It only takes one song on the radio, and we mention Kidd’s name, smile, laugh and ramble on about what happened…we are instantly transported back to January 1992…

Robert wanted to do something special on my birthday to surprise me that year. We were living paycheck-to-paycheck at the time. I am talking Spaghetti-O’s & canned green beans were staples for dinner. Popsicles for dessert were a big treat! We hardly ever went out to eat or did much outside the home except school events and doctor/therapy appointments. We certainly didn’t go out on dates. Although money was very tight, he still wanted to do something different, and he figured out something that would really be shocking, but cost nothing. He called the radio station during Kidd’s morning show and actually got through! All he wanted to request was that Kidd say Happy Birthday to me “on air” that morning…you, know…have Kidd call me at home, unexpectedly, and make me freak out, on the radio, so it would be funny & brighten my day. It worked!

Our oldest son, Kevin, was in 1st grade at the time. He had been diagnosed the previous year with ADHD and was taking medication to help control it. This was a balancing act, to say the least. I was a stay-at-home mom, so I got to see the good and the bad of all that. From side effects of the meds to calls from the school, it was really hard. IT was my job, though.

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My youngest, Kyle, had been diagnosed with autism the summer of 1991, and by the following school year, was in pre-K classes, getting therapy for speech and we were all getting some counseling. You get the picture. I had a lot on my plate, and no time for myself or my husband. These boys consumed our every thought and free moment. It was overwhelming. We couldn’t complain too loudly, however, as they were otherwise healthy. To want free time away from them made me feel very guilty.

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With all this, I recall Robert was also just returning to work after yet another back surgery, and I know that’s why money was especially tight. We just had a lot going on and both accepted that even if all we can afford is a cute birthday card, that was enough. I was OK with having a simple dinner at home. I even had planned to DO IT UP,  buy some Ragu, cook some REAL spaghetti, make garlic toast and have a salad, to boot! I also had cake mix ready to make dessert, my own birthday cake, just to save money!

Then, that morning, I was in the kitchen, probably doing the dishes or starting to bake,  and the phone rang. YOU know, the one on the WALL, not in my back pocket (ha!!) …YEP, I was in shock! Here’s the kicker, though. Kidd carried on this nice conversation with me, discussing how impressed he was with Robert’s simple request. Kidd took the time to ask him a few questions and he could tell we both needed something MORE. He decided he would send us on a date! He gave us dinner for two at a nice restaurant in Las Colinas. THAT made me jump for joy and scream like a little girl! Yes, on the radio! He was laughing! He kept telling me to calm down! THEN, he went on to say, he wouldn’t want us to have to travel back to Arlington late, so he gave us an overnight stay at  the Embassy Suites hotel. At that point, I went nuts! I really don’t remember much else, other than he said something about we deserved it and he hoped he could be the kind of parent we were striving to be. I don’t remember the exact words but I do recall him praising us for being there for our kids and reminding us we have to take time out for ourselves once in awhile. He wanted to make that happen on my birthday. He was so nice!

Robert called a short time after the segment actually “aired” (it was delayed a few minutes and I got to listen, too…what I would GIVE to have a recording of it!). We were both just giddy and he was JUST as surprised as I was! We ended up having a wonderful evening and I seem to recall his mom stayed with our boys overnight. It was the first time we’d ever been away from them both. I wonder how long it would have taken for us to do that if Kidd never gave us that gift? I’m pretty sure it would have been awhile.

After dinner, we spent time walking around some local stores near the hotel. We stopped inside a Sound Warehouse (any of you locals remember those?) and picked up a cassette tape (oh, boy! how’s that for Old School?)…Be With You, by Mr. Big…

92Bday1Every time this song comes on the radio, and like I said, it just happened last week, we look at each other and say something like, “What does this make you think of?” Sometimes, all it takes is a look, while we sing-along…LOUDLY…and we think of that night. Kidd’s generosity stuck with us. It reminded us to have a giving spirit, to do something random and make people smile…he validated that we were being loving, hard working parents and gave us a night on the town, an evening of respite. It was only one of two evenings we ever stayed out overnight, away from our kids, while they were school aged. That evening was a really was a special time for us.

SO, that’s  what I remember most about Kidd Kraddick and I will always be grateful to him. He made me laugh, smile and gave me a life-long memory with my husband.

I cried tears of joy the day Kidd gave me that surprise. Yes, he brought me some random JOY…and his spirit will live on in so many of us because that was just what he did best. We can all learn from him.

Kidd continued to share the JOY, for YEARS…he sure did…let’s keep it up…in his memory.