Recently I was at the grocery store, looking for fresh fall decor in the produce department. You know, like apples, pumpkins, gourds, squash, nuts & dried corn. I love to use them as a centerpiece on my dining room table or to decorate my mantle. As I was shopping, I picked up a bag of mini pumpkins and a lady struck up a conversation with me. It was at that moment, the woman explained how to make pumpkins and gourds last longer!

She proceeded to explain more, based on things that she read about on Pinterest. All I had to do was go look it up for myself at home…and I did! What I found were several pins, so I looked over a few and proceeded to try out the idea…LIVE on my Facebook page!  Before I pressed the button to start streaming my little DIY, I gathered the following items  –

  • pumpkins & gourds
  • plastic tub
  • safety goggles
  • protective gloves
  • “easy pour” bleach
  • water (for soak solution mixture – 10 parts water to 1 part bleach)
  • measuring cup
  • petroleum jelly
  • old towels
  • paper towels

I decided to do this at the bathroom sink, but I could have done it at the kitchen sink if the lighting was better for the filming or outside if it was daytime where the light would have been bright and natural. What you see here is an unedited demonstration…


How about THAT? Isn’t it a joy to get a helpful tip from a random stranger and then be able to dive deeper on Pinterest? What a wonderful time we live in, with information at our finger tips!

Have you tried this yet? If so, let me know how it went! You can drop a comment here below or click on the video and add your comment over on my Facebook page.

I actually do DIY projects on my Facebook videos every now and then, since I love crafting! You can see one HERE where I’m making a gift for our son…and another one HERE where I’m demonstrating part of my hoop making process! I’m wondering if you’d like to see more DIY videos & blog posts? I could so simple crafting and sewing, but also more info about making hoops…what do you think? If you’d like to see more of this, please let me know in a comment, as well!