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Oh, boy…that word…FEAR.

It’s certainly been popping up a lot in our world, right? Well, all I know is that I am about to step into MINE…and out of my comfort zone (the hoop)…

I have decided to host my very first Book Club…EVER!

Wait…WHAT? I know that sounds odd…I’m sure you expected me to say something WAY, way more challenging or death defying…but, nope! I have been wanting to take on leading a book study or bible study for many years, just NEVER had the opportunity. Well, I DID get chances, but I never acted on them. UNTIL NOW…

Since reading FEAR IS NOT THE BOSS OF YOU by Jennifer Allwood, I have a whole new attitude when it comes to doing hard things. It made me WANT to help other women read it, too!

As I devoured the book within 3 days (both reading & listening to it), I had this little voice (GOD) saying to me, “SHARE this book with your followers, Geri, and help them learn how much it applies to so many things in our lives…including hooping!” Page after page, I kept thinking about it and then, when I was done with the book, I let the thoughts go…I was busy making hoops for new clients…I got distracted. EXCUSES…I know! I’m the queen of procrastination.

But I kept thinking about it for days, over about two weeks, every time I got still and quiet…SO, I know THAT’S a GodWink…HIS voice. Then out of the clear blue, I learned on Facebook that Jennifer’s team had free resources available for women to host a book club!

WHOA! Hold up! That wasn’t something they had originally planned for, but OTHER women were feeling JUST as I was! OK…THIS I had to jump on! Materials were already there to help me do what I was wanting to do…I just had to trust God, say YES and DO the thing! (and I had JUST learned all that in the BOOK, so it was a no brainer!)

Here’s a little clip from a recent “live” on my Facebook page where I explain why I am so excited to be doing this…

So, there you have it! God is ALL over this and I’m doing what He’s called me to do…JUST like I started aRoundJoy back in 2009…didn’t know why I felt SO strongly about helping women with a hoop in my hand, didn’t have a clue about how I’d get women interested or run the business, but I did it, VERY scared, anyway. It is EXACTLY the same with this book club.

I just feel like this book speaks on so many levels to so many women, who are in so many different seasons in life. It really hits home for me because I see SO many women who SO desperately want to hoop with me, but never make the move because it’s hard & scary to just let GO and TRY something new. THIS BOOK ADDRESSES ALL THAT, sisters!

God only wants the best for you and me…and so WHY would he put the thought in my head or have you stumble upon this blog post if it wasn’t something that was good for us? RIGHT?? I’m just sayin…

I’m making this as low key & simple as possible…and if the group isn’t very large, THAT IS OK…in fact, I’d like to keep it smaller, so everyone has a chance to add to the weekly discussions. The time frame will be 6 weeks, with a virtual kick off meeting, then weekly, online 1 hr. video, non-recorded discussions after that.

We’ll use Zoom for online virtual gatherings, as well as experiment with Group Facebook Messenger Rooms. There will be a sign up page, as well as our private Facebook group…and I’ve shared my Amazon link to purchase the book at a discount, plus it’s available at other retailers. All details after sign up will be in the Facebook group and sent to members by email.

If you happen to miss this first time around, I intend to do it again in the future, so if you’re a part of my email community, you’ll be updated about that’s going to happen.

For now, I’d be honored if you’d take my suggestion and read FEAR IS NOT THE BOSS OF YOU. Don’t be scared, sis…it’s just a click away, even if all you do is just take a peek for now! It might eventually speak to your heart.

I still can’t believe I’m doing a book club…but…GOD. What’s a girl to do?

It’s the same feeling I had when I first picked up a hoop almost 12 years ago…and look what happened when I did that. WHOA! I just stepped past my FEAR…trusted Him, and the hoop became my comfortable place…my joy.

HE had plans for me…he sure did.