No energy? Too tired for a workout?


Say GOODBYE to the gym & HELLO TO FUN…you’re never too old for RECESS!

Let’s GO, girl…

you CAN learn how to HOOP!


No energy? Too tired for a workout?


Say GOODBYE to the gym & HELLO TO FUN…you’re never too old for RECESS!

Let’s GO, girl…

you CAN learn how to HOOP!

I’m Geri McNiece…

and I help women in midlife de-stress, unwind, tone up & trim down through the joy of HOOPING – a fun, gentle, relaxing and creative way to exercise at home! 


Helpful tips about Hooping Over 50, especially for women in mid-life with no hoop experience. I make it easy & simple, even if you have health limitations, like me – safe, practical, REAL information so you’ll feel confident hooping. Enjoy my other lifestyle blog categories & archives! 


Specifically custom-fit / designed, hand-crafted hoopdance & fitness hoops. Segmented / collapsible for ease & convenience, they can be shipped anywhere in the contiguous U.S. Choose fun colors to match your own style. Solid, full hoops are even available for local pick-up.  


Your BEGINNER Hoop INCLUDES membership access to aRoundJoy BASICS Hoop Training for Women – a self-paced, online home-study COURSE – plus, you get access to more videos, monthly support & other perks in the INNER CIRCLE! (Course is also available separately)

Is Stress and Anxiety Weighing You Down?

Life is BUSY…a constant flurry, a balancing act of home & work responsibilities…in your actions AND in your mind. As a women, you tend to put other’s needs before your own. Sound familiar? You’re always last on the list…especially when it comes to healthy, loving, self-care. In fact, right now you may have some of these thoughts running through your head…

“I don’t have time.”

“I’m too tired and stressed out.”

“I’m too overweight.”

“My body feels SO tight & bloated!”

“I’m just too old.”

“I feel exhausted and overwhelmed.”

“I know I should exercise, but I hate the gym.”

“I’m too dizzy for any kind of exercise.”

“I don’t want to look stupid when I exercise.”

“I’ll never look like that again.”

“I want to exercise, but can’t because of my bad back.”

“Menopause…what HAS happened to me???”

“Just give up—you can’t be 20 again.”

“I used to love to dance.”

“I don’t know how to start something new.”

“I’m off-balance, in pain and fearful of moving.”

 “I can’t.”

Well, sister…

let me show you that 



BE Inspired.

BE Confident.

BE Encouraged.



I didn’t even start hooping until I was 47…but it wasn’t very long before I realized that it made a huge difference in the way I felt, the way I began to deal with stress, and not to mention how it changed my body! I simply had to teach others about this wonderful “fountain of youth” I discovered!

So, over the last 16 years, I’ve taught over 1000 clients, of all shapes and sizes, how to improve their lives by hooping with my handmade, custom-fit, slightly weighted fitness & dance hoops. If you keep reading, you’ll learn more about my recent health challenges and further hoop discoveries…

aRoundJoy is Hooping for 

the “Well-seasoned” Woman…


no bikinis or fluffy raver boots here…I promise.


STOP the time-consuming Google searches &

confusing, internet RABBIT HOLES!


Let me save you time & money…


I make things simple – my method is laid out, step-by-step and easy to digest, so you can learn without being overwhelmed. As a beginner, a STARTER, you’ll get guidance and basic hoop instruction that’s specifically for a mature woman. You’ll also get the right hoop, custom made for your body, too. Most importantly, you’ll be well informed and safe, something you just can’t get if you try to learn on your own. 

aRoundJoy hooping helps tone muscles you don’t even realize you have in your tummy, arms, shoulders, legs and booty – plus strengthens your core – all without lifting weights, bending over, laying on the floor OR doing sit-ups!

Along with those physical changes, you’ll find that a hoop practice helps to relax your mind through the rhythmic, repetitive motion. You’ll become more aware of connecting with your body and how good it feels to practice your hoop moves. It makes you happier each day.

Let me tell you a little bit more…


As for myself personally, hooping has been a GODSEND in dealing with chronic dizziness – in 2023, I was finally diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine and PPPD (persistent postural perceptual dizziness – think PTSD for dizziness and vertigo) – after 23 years of struggling! Now that I’m getting successful treatment, I’ve learned from my doctors and therapists that all my years of hoop movement actually HELPED me, thankfully. I’m never, ever going to stop hooping! I always knew the hoop felt great and was so comforting, but NOW I have solid science and medical professionals who confirm it…that’s real validation right there!

So, now you can understand more about why I will continue to serve women, especially those who also struggle with dizziness and imbalance. Vestibular disorders can be so isolating and misunderstood, THAT I KNOW…and I feel a strong calling to keep teaching others how the hoop can be a source of respite, quite therapeutic and a great addition to your vestibular toolkit if you can open yourself up and allow it! I’m here to guide you, sister. 







aRoundJoy Really IS Full-Body Exercise

(disguised as PLAY!)

It’s all about what you CAN do, not what you can’t.

In a hoop training session, you focus on the positive. You celebrate your success, and when you drop the hoop—it’s no big deal. You pick it up and try again. Making a mistake is part of the learning process. It means you’re pushing some boundaries. The growth you experience keeps inspiring you to practice more and you get better over time…you reach little goals, over and over again, with each new move you acheive! That “I got this” spirit starts to spill into your daily life, too!

aRoundJoy Hooping IS a good fit if you:

  • Are willing to learn, laugh, and have fun
  • Need to start exercising and you’re intrigued by hooping
  • Like to move to music, at your own pace
  • Want to step out of your comfort zone
  • Can allow yourself to make mistakes
  • Know that the gym fitness scene isn’t for you
  • Feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun, and nothing’s stuck with you
  • Have been told by a doctor to walk, stretch &/or do low-impact exercise

What Clients Are Saying About aRoundJoy 

“Just want to say a very BIG thank you! Geri did an awesome job! As a 55-year who wasn’t able to do this even as a child, her instructions allowed me to use a hula-hoop for the first time in my life. As with anything new, I was frustrated about my inabilities…however, once I overcame my negative emotions and mindset and listened to Geri’s instructions, I’m hooping and loving it!! It is indeed a fun, great cardio and all over toning exercise. Geri saw me struggling…she stepped aside to give me a few simple tips to correct my body mechanics and it worked! Thank you so much for this awesome fun…I believe that this is something I will continue and will allow me to achieve my fitness goals.”

Then, three weeks later…

“Many years ago, I took a fall down a flight of stairs and landed on my right shoulder. Since that time, I’ve had a limited range of motion and pain in that shoulder due to either scar tissue and/or calcium deposits (doctors weren’t sure which). I didn’t want surgery, so I learned to live with it. Since starting your hooping, my range of motion all over has increased but, more importantly to me, I’ve regained full range of motion in my right shoulder and no more shoulder pain!! Hurray! Hooping is better than surgery!

I also have lost 1.5 inches from the following areas: arms, waist, hips, and thighs since starting! I sincerely want to thank you for all you have done for me.

I’ve never been much on routine types of exercise (treadmills, elliptical, etc.) — I’m not a hamster! To me, exercise should be fun and/or have a purpose (gardening, etc.). Hooping is fun, a good cardio and good toning all in one! You can’t beat that.”


“Geri made it easy and fun….good exercise for anyone, no matter what kind of shape they’re in. I also like the fact that when hooping to music, it seems like dancing, which is also a good stress reliever for me. I can’t think of a more fun way to stretch and exercise than hooping….give it a try with Geri…you’ll be glad you did.”


“I feel 110% better after working with Geri. Hoopdancing is my new love! I practice each night outside. It’s the easiest exercise & stretching I have ever done. Everyone, no matter the age, should take some hoop training. There is no better way to exercise and it is actually FUN! There is also no better way to relieve stress, either – just something about that beautiful, spinning hoop that just relaxes you.”


Are You Ready? Let’s Get Started!