YES! You CAN Learn How To Hoop!

AND YOU DON’T EVEN NEED A HOOP  to start learning what I’m going to teach you!

Maybe you’ve wanted to hoop for some time now…or you just saw it recently and are interested…either way, you’re a little excited! Perhaps you even own a hoop that you got online or at a retail store. You might have tried it a time or two lately…but…THE HOOP JUST FALLS TO THE GROUND when you try!

Perhaps you’ve said something like…

“I’ve never been able to do THAT.”

“I used to do that FOR HOURS a as kid, but I can’t do it anymore!”

“At my age? I’m too old to try/learn THAT!”

“I tried a hoop in the toy department and it fell to the ground.”

“My waist is too big, so I can’t hoop.”

“I don’t have the hips to swirl a hoop around.”

“My hoop falls to the floor after a few spins every single time!”

“I have back problems and can’t hoop.”

WHAT can you DO if you are struggling with a hoop? Should you just GIVE UP? Is it safe for you to even attempt hooping if you have never been able to do it? Why can’t you hoop NOW as an adult when it was SO EASY when you were a kid?

Well…LISTEN UP! Help & TRUTH are right here. Waist hooping is only the beginning…then you can learn even more about how to move with the hoop in your hands, making it a full-body activity that you actually WANT to do!

Stop the excuses and concerns…let me make it easy for you!


I’ll send you EVERYTHING you need to know for real success!

  • Learn the secrets of HOW to get a hoop spinning on your waist – 4 VIDEOS
  • Receive a handy TIP SHEET for successful, effective hooping at home
  • Even take a brief FREE SPiN consultation  by phone or in person if you’d like

You’ll stop dreading exercise and begin looking forward to playing daily!

I’ll teach you, step-by-step…pulling back the curtain & solving the mystery! 

Let me help you FINALLY master the secrets of waist hooping…my gift to you…


Grab your complimentary sample of aRoundJoy BASICS Hoop Training for Women today, along with other hoop tips and updates sent directly to your inbox!


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