In celebration, my clients and I made a little 7th Anniversary Mannequin Challenge video!
It was just a quick, silly decision, but thanks to the talents of Paul Knudsen, who filmed this on his phone, it came out great!
I not only had clients come that lived here locally…some drove from Plano and even as far as Temple, TX! Yes! She was one of my online training clients that I’d never met in person! She actually left with even better knowledge and more confidence in her hooping skills! We had a wonderful afternoon!
The HoopShack has been a labor of love…many changes in 7 years…but where has the time gone? From a warehouse teaching bigger classes, to a studio with private lessons and finally now, a guest house where I can still offer intimate private training & occasional get-togethers. Wherever I have trained clients, I always enjoy meeting and helping them! See more photos over on my Facebook page!
When will you be joining me?